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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Effective Wealth Investing!

What is Wealth Investing?

How can one Achieve it?

I know there are 4 sure ways to wealth...

  • Business,
  • Internet,
  • Real Estate and
  • Financial Investment

...but being a personal development coach I know there can be no true wealth without Effective Personal Development and Growth first and so I added it and now call it 5 sure areas of wealth. Well it seems to me to gain wealth one must invest something be it time, energy, resources or money so that's how I came up with the title... "Wealth Investing".

So the question to you is do you engage in "Effective Wealth Investing?" By that I mean do you spend a significant part of each day building wealth in any of the 5 areas mentioned above? If not you're missing out on a lot that life has to offer because the main things you invest your time in each day must be for your GREATER GOOD... Click HERE for an explanation and details.

Well if you don't know what to do I find the best way to learn and grow is from your peers. And yes there are quite a few Forums, Social Sites, Blogs etc out there that try to effectively foster such arrangements but none of them in itself is good enough in my view... How many Blogs can you read a day?... How many Forums?... How many Social Sites?...

I tried joining Forums... but couldn't keep up with posts if I wanted a life... I joined MySpace (a few years ago), FaceBook recently and LinkedIn last night but couldn't figure out how to effectively use any of them... I don't remember much about MySpace as I logged in a total of 3 times, FaceBook has too much linking to this and joining that for me and LinkedIn tried to force me into a little box in so many ways and had no Networks for someone like me to join... an entrepreneur that want to meet like minded people...

So the only thing left was to start a network of my own...

  • one that was easy to use,
  • that anyone could join,
  • that priority is to be useful and
  • support fast learning...
Well finally I've put together a "Wealth Investing Club" and called it RPMwealthClub.com Yep I created what I wanted to see in the market place and I hope you can see the usefulness of it too because I tried to make it simple yet effective in a way that I know you'll approve of... so we all can be focusing on "Wealth Investing" as much as we want (rather than how to effectively use the website).

The main focus of this "Wealth Investing Club" is to:
  • teach you HOW to gain wealth,
  • HELP you gain wealth,
  • then help you SHARE how to gain wealth with others.

I plan to keep membership to a maximum of 250 persons for the first 5 years.


I think 250 is a nice manageable number that can be filled fairly quickly and once I meet that quota I don't think I should let new persons join simply because I want to give the first 250 members a chance to make their $1,000,000 in the 5 years before changing the make up of membership by permitting others to join (I speak from experience where new members created havoc on a once progressive environment). This simply means that I'll keep marketing until I find the 250 members fast (hopefully in 3 months or so).

Well I want the first 50 flag ship members of the "Wealth Investing Club" to be Super Special so if you have an expertise in one of the 5 Areas of Wealth I would love to grant you FREE Membership (for life (with certain stipulations of course)). So the first 50 persons with expertise in one of the 5 areas can join FREE, simply send me a note HERE. Other than that membership is $9.95 per year for up to a total of 200 other persons (to make the grand total 250).

Well of course I aim to make lots of money from the club once it proves it can make pretty much anyone a millionaire in 5 years or less. Then I could charge $25 per week ($100 per month, $1,000 per year) and permit a few thousand persons to join at once... That's part of my "Wealth Investing" plan (even though it'll happen after 5 years (it's just one of over 10 "Wealth Investing" plans I have so far)).

Well if you want to be a part of something GREAT too and make a million dollars for sure in the meantime through "Wealth Investing" in a simple to use environment where you'll meet like minded people, you should join RPMwealthClub.com now... don't wait tile we have our 250 members... because then you'll have to wait 5 years to join.

Will write again soon,

S. A. Williams AKA sawnet [your RPM Millionaire]


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