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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

1 Million Dollars in 5 Years

Do you think it’s possible for you to make 1 Million Dollars in 5 Years?

- Simple Formula to Make 1 Million Dollars in 5 Years
Here are the numbers for my formula starting with just the $9.95 you need to join me:

Formula Details: Double my Passive Income Every Year for 3 Years, Then Every 6 Months in the 4th Year, Then Every 3 Months in the 5th Year. At the very minimum this is What I Expect Each Year Starting from $0:
1. $5,000
2. $10,000
3. $20,000
4. $40,000 - $80,000
5. $160,000 - $320,000 - $640,000 - $1,200,000

(This system is intended to work for passive income starting from $0 to $5,000 in the first year but if you want to focus on your primary income you may do so also. Imagine if you started at $10,000 or $50,000.)

Now, do you think it’s possible for you?

- Well what if you started with your current salary?
If you currently earn $10,000 or more per year do you now see how you could easily end up with over $1,000,000 in 5 years with my simple formula of doubling you income each year!

But how can you double your income each year?

- Well the formula I have for that is quite simple too;
Simply increase your income by no less than 10% each month (this actually ads up to 120% with simple addition but in reality it’s actually closer to 160% compounded).

Well how can you increase your income by a measly 10% each month?

- It’s quite simple but this is not the post to explain it in detail, so in a nut shell you have to first create or give 10% more value to your employer or your customers each month. Sounds complicated? No! It’s also quite simple but you must first understand the following;

1. A lot of people never perform anywhere near their peak potential simply because they are Laws to Success that many people violate without even having a clue they are harming themselves (or better yet fighting against themselves). Yes! We all have this problem in some area of life without knowing it. The only solution is to identify it, confront it and eliminate it. So…
2. With a strong foundation built in the area of Self Mastery it is possible to become Successful in any field one chooses.
3. The best way to teach you Self Mastery would be through a program aimed at providing you self gratifying proof that it’s working as you go along…

…and the best way I can think of to do that is to aim at doubling your income each year using precise easy to learn skills as Motivation for you to start and keep at it.

So in essence the easiest, most lasting, fun and thus best way to “Double YOUR Income Each Year” is through Self-Mastery! (They are other more complicated ways)

Where are you going to learn Self-Mastery from?

- I am an up and coming Self-Mastery Coach;
I have a formula I know can help you and millions of other people… but if you were in my shoes, how would you reach out to such persons?

Well I started this blog to do it myself (make 1 million dollars) first as proof and then use this proof to charge thousands of people hundreds of dollars for me to coach them through the same process in my coaching practice… But then I thought “I could speed up the debugging process a lot more if I could also track, different personality types (aside from my own), different fields of businesses, different belief systems, and so on if I had others going through it at the same time I initially did it.”

And so this offer was born.

- I know what you’re thinking “So if I’m just now testing my formula how can I guarantee that you will make $1,000,000 in 5 years PLUS offer a triple the $9.95 per year fee? As a matter of fact, why even charge for it?”

Again, Simple!

1. Even though I’m just testing my formula, I’ll be imparting great knowledge plus expending extra time, effort, resources and money to package the information for you as I go along.
2. If I don’t charge for this most people won’t take it seriously enough to do it.
3. I offer not just a money back guarantee but triple your money back guarantee to put my money where my mouth is.
4. I aim to have at least 250 people join me on this challenge and my challenge to myself is to make sure they all make a minimum of $1,000,000 in 5 years or less. I know some will fall by the way side (this is normal) and some will ask for the triple the money back guarantee at the end (this is normal too), I’m prepared for that.
5. But there are less than 20 laws that must be learned by all participants and I have the simplest way to teach and instill each law into each person.
6. Each person need to do just 1 simple thing each day to improve themselves, thus earn 10% more each month, thus double their income each year, thus earn more than $1,000,000 in 5 years or less.

Why is everything so simple with me?

- Because I learned a long time ago if something is perceived as being hard very few people will attempt it. Ever since then I’ve simplified everything I do.

Well the bottom line is simple for you to decide as it really comes all down to this…

- Will you risk $9.95 each year PLUS a commitment of time (at least 4 hours each week) to find out:
1. If I know what I’m talking about?
2. If you have it in you to make $1,000,000 in 5 years? (In case I know what I’m talking about.)

Well if you think risking 1/2 hour of your TV time and less than 3 cents each day to see if you’re capable of making a million dollars is worth it to you… you are both teachable and willing to learn, two Laws that most people violate each and everyday without knowing it but which are GREATLY NEEDED for SUCCESS in ANYTHING including this quest.

How to Start Your Own 1 Million Dollars in 5 Years Quest Now!

1. Click on the "Subscribe" button below NOW to sign up for $9.95 per year (using PayPal.com)
2. Commit to doing whatever it takes to get there (a powerful 30 minutes each day)
3. Simply do the 1 thing I ask you to do each and every day
4. That’s it!

Welcome and Congratulations in Advance!

Will write again soon,

S. A. Williams AKA sawnet [your RPM Millionaire]


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Janet & Chris Attwood created "The The Passion Test Online" that is changing many peoples' lives.
Loral Langemeier's Cash Machine
Janet, Chris Atwoods's Passion Test
This, her third book is about: How to Start, Grow & Maintain Huge Cash Flow Businesses, Fast!
This, first book on the subject: Gives you All You Need to Understand and Complete The Passion Test Online!

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