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Saturday, December 20, 2008

One Year Under My Belt

It's been almost a year now since I've actively been on this Million Dollar (US$1,000,000) Quest. It has changed me much... Imagine thinking about earning a million dollars pretty much everyday for an entire year!!! It did quite a lot for me and my state of mind... But looking back I realized (through the Passion Test) and (to follow The Secret) I should have also been having the feelings of being the millionaire envision I will soon become. That would have brought more intensity and realistic results I believe.

I've had several trials and errors all in the public eye. I've not managed to do much... at least on the surface but I can feel my mindset and attitude have shifted dramatically over the course of the year for the better... much, much better, actually. And I feel I'm precisely where I need to be to take on the second year to be much more productive.

Going into to this was the greatest adventure online that I could come up with at the time. Some times it was frustrating but all in all I had a ball and am more motivated to stick through it all 'til 2012 the full 5 years. Anyway I learned a hell of a lot!

One thing I realized is I came up with RPM (Rapid, Passive, Massive) a few years ago and seriously intended it to be a brand. Then a few weeks ago when it came time to renew the domain names a thought came to me to scrap it all... for a more conventional domain name like GlobalWealth(etc).com and even started with GlobalWealthHelp.com but now I know I'll keep it going to a testament that what-so-ever the mind conceives it can, and if steadfastly pursued, will achieve.

So by 2012 look out for the RPMwealth(etc).com brand to be known by millions of people around the world. And when this happens (not if) ,I will be proud to know I really created something not only unique but wonderful and useful to millions.

Another thing I realized is that I usually am impatient in my business endeavors but at the same time as a computer repair technician I found I had more patience than practically all my peers (evidenced by my being able to fix/solve problems they could not). How could that be??? I'm still working on figuring that out but at least I now realize that there are laws that must be followed to achieve success (much less the gigantic, enormous success I'm envisioning).

Well what I realized is that one has to take the time necessary to build a SOLID foundation, one that can withstand anything. We all hear the saying "haste, make waste" well in most things I'm finding that to be true as taking time to redo something not properly done at the get go can sometimes be really costly.

Any how I've taken the year to learn a lot of lessons. Here are a few more below:
  • No man is an island
  • I need mentors or coaches
  • I need to build a solid foundation
  • I need to take the time to properly build a solid foundation
  • I need a Mastermind Group or a network of like minded individuals

But the most valuable lesson I learned is that to be a success at anything to do with business one MUST be More Effective in Marketing.

A long time ago (when I was a teenager) I learned that "everyone sells", even a baby sells his mother that he needs food by the tone of his cry or by his behavior, a husband and wife had to first sell each other that each had what the other wanted, and I could go on, and on.

But to be successful in business you have to be a much better at selling than most of your competition (the only exception of course is if you have no competition). What do I mean...? You must convince more customers that you can please them either, faster, better, cheaper, etc., than your competition, and you have to have the most concise, cheapest, most effective way to convey that message to your future customers too.

What I'm saying is that all must be congruent... the product/service you offer, the message you use to convey the offer and the vehicle you use to convey the offer.

If any of these are off your entire strategy will not be effective.

I'm happy to report that I've found 2 great products that teaches me to do all 3... one for my online business the other geared mostly to my off-line business endeavors.

The online one is: LeadsLeap.com

The off-line method is AlignmentMarketingPro.com
and I will tell you more about this one in Part 2

Will write again soon,

S. A. Williams AKA sawnet [your RPM Millionaire]


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've found your blog while googling. It's really interesting! Keep on posting!


I'm Reading these 2 AWESOME Books!!!

Loral Langemeier is "The Millionaire Maker" who's coaching created over 2,000 Millionaires in just 3 - 5 years!!
Janet & Chris Attwood created "The The Passion Test Online" that is changing many peoples' lives.
Loral Langemeier's Cash Machine
Janet, Chris Atwoods's Passion Test
This, her third book is about: How to Start, Grow & Maintain Huge Cash Flow Businesses, Fast!
This, first book on the subject: Gives you All You Need to Understand and Complete The Passion Test Online!

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