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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yet Another Mega Cash Flow Muze / Muse

Hi again all,

I've been listening to "The Game of Life and How to Play It" audio book and kept repeating the 9th section entitled "Intuition and Guidance" That's where I have been having some challenges lately (and I'm sure you regular readers have noticed I'm not quite focused) and thought if I repeated it for 5 or so hours each day for a week or so it would do me some good.

So I listened and verbally repeated some of the wishes that applied to me and quite a few things are falling into place.

I wanted to make my primary income online or without too much input on my part and since listening to the audio book I've come up with some super income ideas that are inexpensive to start (but could make huge income of $100,000 or more each per year with the efforts of only one employee... me).

The one I can speak about now ties in beautifully with my local marketing business opportunity... It's using my Internet skills, knowledge and resources to help local businesses boost sales/profits using things I take for granted like writing articles/posts, putting together a Blog, putting up a web site, compiling and organizing a email list, using PPC, SEO, etc. These things (that I love doing I might ad) a standard business would have to pay someone to do for them. Then it hit me... offer a compilation of these services locally on retainer (like a lawyer) so that I can help local businesses with these aids as needed. This way I don't tie up my time and can be available only when and as needed. This couples my strengths and hobbies with an income opportunity... Ideal indeed!

Well this also includes another thing I love... consulting. Originally, I thought I would focus on personal coaching primarily as that's what I needed to focus on for myself... it didn't work... as it was a little boring and wasn't fulfilling... but right now I need to focus on business and income for myself which all seem like a much better fit as that's where it turns out that I have and can offer more expertise.

Interesting, isn't it... All these years I've been trying to figure out what I love to do that I could make a living at and the only thing that came to mind was developing web sites. That is great as I'm still doing that (developing web sites) (I have over 30 domain names and about 20 sites up but they all need tweaking, are not marketed properly, etc as I need some decent cash flow to do it all properly (either to pay my bills while I focus on them or hire others to do it for me))

Anyway, I'm thinking to offer 3 different priced packages so that my services can be afforded by most businesses. then after a while I'll see which price and customer type is ideal then eliminate the rest (or delegate those customers to my employees) and focus on the best/ideal.

I just got the recent copy of "Entrepreneur Magazine" that had a few articles that will help me get started fast.

Between "The Four-Hour Work Week" book, and Loral (The Millionaire Maker) Langemeier's "Cash Machine" book's focus on finding a mega cash flow business or Muse/Muze I think this is it. I can run it for 6 months or so then hire others to run and maintain it from that point on. This is also a recession proof business.

I would love to make $100,000 or so the first year (which is not impossible) but I think getting a system that can be replicated easily is more important at this point (aiming to do what McDonalds have done) so that I have a fool proof system when I eventually hand over the reigns of the company to employees.

Wish me lots of luck and focus.

Will write again soon,

S. A. Williams AKA sawnet [your RPM Millionaire]

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I'm Reading these 2 AWESOME Books!!!

Loral Langemeier is "The Millionaire Maker" who's coaching created over 2,000 Millionaires in just 3 - 5 years!!
Janet & Chris Attwood created "The The Passion Test Online" that is changing many peoples' lives.
Loral Langemeier's Cash Machine
Janet, Chris Atwoods's Passion Test
This, her third book is about: How to Start, Grow & Maintain Huge Cash Flow Businesses, Fast!
This, first book on the subject: Gives you All You Need to Understand and Complete The Passion Test Online!

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